2010. 6. 27. 01:42
We finally renewed our company website!
It was a challenge to us, because we also had to found our company's philosophy and project it onto the website. We've done successfully even though it was hard work, and now we're very happy to introduce, waplestore.com. :)
The main page shows our recent posts and the service news, and you can see the waplestore's recent tweets by pressing the twite button on the top menu.
Company page contains a quick profile and a brief history of Waplestore Inc., and it also contains our three essential values from the co-founders. A picture on the top is from James Starmer who we really appreciate allowing the use of his gorgeous picture on our website. :)
Services page shows the descriptions and the download links of our services that we've launched and we're going to launch later.
Contacts page contains the email addresses for communicating with us. We're quoted the format of this page from Paprika Lab's website, because theirs are frank and cool enough. (Actually, we're in great respect for theirs.)
Last, we have a blog for sharing our recent news, and we hope it can be another channel for communicating with us. It may written in Korean, but you don't have to worry about it because we comment a summary in English on the post!
We hope you like our new website even if it's not sufficient enough, because we can promise you that we'll try to make it better and better. :)
It was a challenge to us, because we also had to found our company's philosophy and project it onto the website. We've done successfully even though it was hard work, and now we're very happy to introduce, waplestore.com. :)
The main page shows our recent posts and the service news, and you can see the waplestore's recent tweets by pressing the twite button on the top menu.
Company page contains a quick profile and a brief history of Waplestore Inc., and it also contains our three essential values from the co-founders. A picture on the top is from James Starmer who we really appreciate allowing the use of his gorgeous picture on our website. :)
Services page shows the descriptions and the download links of our services that we've launched and we're going to launch later.
Contacts page contains the email addresses for communicating with us. We're quoted the format of this page from Paprika Lab's website, because theirs are frank and cool enough. (Actually, we're in great respect for theirs.)
Last, we have a blog for sharing our recent news, and we hope it can be another channel for communicating with us. It may written in Korean, but you don't have to worry about it because we comment a summary in English on the post!
We hope you like our new website even if it's not sufficient enough, because we can promise you that we'll try to make it better and better. :)