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  1. 2011.09.06   Thank you for your 'green presents'!
Waplestore:Logs 2011. 9. 6. 14:19

Thank you for your 'green presents'!

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It’s always nice to have some plants around the working space. Well, it’s not very easy to keep indoor plants alive (right!?). But the ones at our office seem quite healty and happy. Although it might be a little bit late, we’d like to thank our visitors who gave us beautiful plants as gifts. Thanks to your thoughtful gifts, our office is getting greener and greener!

We have lots of big windows which let enough lights in. I’m in charge of watering the plants, and sometimes I hear them ask for water. (So don't worry! They'll never get dried out.)

This beautiful plant has a sweet letter from Jay’s sister.

Tiny flowers! How cute...

More sweet messages... :)

I love these little ones. They look greener especially on rainy days.

Our intern’s herb. It has grown so much!

Yup, some are called ‘Money Tree’. These trees don't get thirsty easily...

Most pictures were taken during heavy rainy season. I’ll show you how our plants are doing during this fall very soon!

I'm just letting you know that we always welcome more leaves! :)



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